Tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and body weight


At this critical juncture, we started working from home, away from college, and avoiding as many social interactions as we could. We are temporarily leading a sedentary lifestyle with greater odds of physical inactivity, excessive eating, and sitting as a result of staying at home and being stuck with the meals that have been in our fridge or pantry for a long, sadness, anxiety, and stress. Particularly, a lot of us will put on weight during the pandemic and may continue to do so. This could pose serious health risks, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, and other conditions.
Here, I'd like to give some fundamental advice and resources for keeping up a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy weight, and maintaining general well-being while staying in and participating in social withdrawal.

1. Check your weight and measure it

You can observe what you're losing and/or gaining if you monitor your body weight on a daily or weekly basis.

2. Limit unhealthy foods and consume healthy meals.

Remember to have breakfast and pick a meal that is high in protein and fiber and low in fat, sugar, and calories. Please visit the following website: for more details on foods that help you lose weight and dietary suggestions.

3. Consume multivitamin dietary supplements

When you don't have access to a variety of fruits and veggies at home, it is a good idea to take a daily multivitamin supplement to ensure you are getting enough nutrients. Your immune system depends on a variety of micronutrients, such as zinc, iron, copper, selenium, and magnesium, as well as the vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, and E.
However, there is currently NO AVAILABLE EVIDENCE that supplementing your diet with any "wonder mineral supplements" will aid in preventing the infection or speed up healing. High vitamin dosages may occasionally be harmful to your health.

4. Limit sugary beverages, drink water to stay hydrated, and stay active.

The best way to keep healthy is to consistently drink water, but there is NO evidence that doing so frequently (e.g., once every 15 minutes) can help avoid viral infections. 

5. Engage in Regular Exercise and Physical Activity

One of the most crucial things you can do for your health is to exercise regularly. Physical activity can strengthen your bones and muscles, help you maintain a healthy weight, increase your ability to carry out daily tasks, and improve your cognitive health.

6. Shorten screen and sitting time

You cannot become immune to your idle time through exercise. Even those who engage in regular exercise may be more susceptible to diabetes, heart disease, and stroke if they spend a lot of time hunched over a computer. Practically speaking, you might think about taking breaks from sedentary time by doing something active like walking around the office or room a few times each day.

7. Get Enough Restful Sleep

Your immune system and sleep quality and quantity are strongly correlated. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep per night will help you maintain a healthy immune system.

8. Drink Moderately and Remain Sober

Alcohol consumption does not shield you from coronavirus infection. Remember that alcohol has calories, which can add up quickly. Moderation is key when using alcohol. 

9. Learn to Control Your Emotions

During a pandemic, it's typical for people to feel fear, anxiety, despair, and uncertainty. Use the advice on stress and coping at

10. Use a mobile app to monitor your heart rate, movement, and sleep

Tips to control high blood pressure 

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